Meet the Leadership Team

Raga Ayyagari: Co-President


Raga Ayyagari is a senior majoring in Human Biology interested in public health, environmental sustainability, and education. She has been a member of Night Outreach since 2013 and helps coordinate the team’s strategy, programming, and outreach efforts. Raga  is active in multiple research and service projects on campus, and enjoys writing, playing music, and spending time with friends and family.  

Sneha Ayyagari: Co-President


Sneha Ayyagari is a senior in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department studying Environmental Systems Engineering at Stanford. Sneha has been a member of the Night Outreach team since 2013. She helps oversee the organization’s vision and works with community partners and student organizations.  She is active in many Stanford campus service and sustainability organizations. In her free time, she enjoys nature walks, traveling, writing, and spending time with friends, family, and cute animals.

Sarah Matsunaga: Financial Officer

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Sarah c/o 2018 and Night Outreach’s Financial Officer is from Honolulu, Hawai’i. She’s interested in the intersection of homelessness and health and hopes to better understand this issue so pertinent to her hometown, where there is an active state of emergency regarding homelessness. Otherwise, she loves reading, smoothie-making, and pictures of cats. Email her about co-sponsorship of events, funding, or pictures of cats.

Amy Xu: Social Media Chair


Amy is a junior majoring in Human Biology with a concentration in Sports Performance and Biomechanics. She has been a member of the Night Outreach team since her freshman year, attracted to the organization’s dedication to generating empathy and forming connections between the different populations living in Palo Alto and the wider Bay Area. Her other interests include health care, cheerleading, traveling, photography, and country music.